Unwind and renew with a massage suited to your requirements. Massages take place in a tranquil private room of the salon, pictured to the right, blankets are provided for modesty. We use premium Neal’s Yard ethical & organic massage products and incorporate various techniques that span across relaxation and deeper pressure massage which vary slightly due to the part of the body being massaged and the clients preference. We also offer a luxurious warming Hot Stone massage using the innovative TermaBliss hot stones. Massages that we offer are:
Back, Neck & Shoulder which takes approx. 30 minutes
Full Body which takes approx. 1 hour
Back, Neck & Shoulder + Classic Facial which is approx. 1 hour of relaxation and includes a Classic ClinicCare Facial & back, neck & shoulder massage tailored to you.
Hot Stones Back, Neck & Shoulder which takes approx. 30 minutes
Hot Stones Full Body which takes approx. 1 hour
What if the pressure during a massage is too much or not enough?
Please just say, we ask all clients if they are happy with the current pressure during the treatment.